Life places people, events, stories, triumphs, and tragedies in our path to see how we will react or respond to such things.  Sometimes, we adjust the path of our lives due to certain events and set off in a different direction. These "turning points" or milestones in our lives can be minor or be complete transformations.  While other times, we come across people, events, stories, triumphs, and tragedies, and we keep on going; not caring to look back or reflecting on what has just passed us by.

It's not that we are necessarily good or bad for changing our direction, or just keep on walking by; it just part of life.

Life happens.  And, happens again.  And then, for some, life stops.

Sometimes, life stops for natural causes such as old age.  Sometimes life stops due to illness or by accident. And then, sometimes life stops due to war, famine, and acts of terror.  Life has stopped in all incidences but for those that were unexpected, innocent or young, it becomes particularly difficult to ignore the outpouring of grief, cries of sorrow, and calls of despair.

Tragedy happens.  And, will, unfortunately, happen again.  And then, for some, life will stop.

However, will you keep on going?  Will you not see their tears, hear their cries, and feel their pain? Will you not alter or delay your life's journey to comfort the sick, feed the poor, and shed a tear for the loss of life?

When tragedy strikes, we have the choice to see the darkness and hatred that created the tragedy, or we can see the light of hope and the outpouring of love.  Rather than recalling the number of dead and injured, we recall the acts of kindness toward the wounded, courage of first responders, and actions put into place that this tragedy will not occur again.

For darkness can only be conquered by light; hatred can only be conquered by kindness; and a tragic death finds peace in God's unconditional loving embrace, and in the love we have for each other.

Until Next Friday,    

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