The Friday Story

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Waking up on New Year's Day morning, people will greet the new year in various states of readiness (largely depending on what occurred the night before). Many will take advantage of the holiday and sleep well into the morning. Others will wake up early to get ready for another day of company, football, and more food. And some will take the time to make their 2014 New Year's Resolutions. 

For those that would like to make their 2014 resolutions, I would like to offer the following "2014 Do-It-Yourself Resolution Kit." It is rather simple - just select one of the answers, and off you go.
Here we go ...
The 2014 Do-it-Yourself Resolution Kit

I  ________________________ (your name here), do hereby resolve to accomplish in 2014, the following:
1. I will make this world a better place by: 

a. Being environmentally conscious in all that I do; 
b. Performing random acts of kindness each day; 
c. Praying for peace; 
d. Giving more, and taking less; 
e. Supporting just causes to combat homelessness, hunger and illnesses of all kinds.
2. I will make my family and friends relationships stronger by:

a. Listening more before coming to a conclusion; 
b. Being there when they need me the most; 
c. Quickly applauding their successes; 
d. Expressing my gratitude for all they do for me; 
e. Going on a great vacation together!
3. I will make our country better by:

a. Paying for my fair share; 
b. Contacting my representatives regarding my views; 
c. Praying for our politicians so that they may decide wisely; 
d. Visiting a national memorial site to honor those that have paved the way; 
e. Supporting the US 2014 Winter Olympic efforts.

4.  I will make my company I work for better by:
a. Giving my best everyday; 
b. Suggesting new ideas and approaches; 
c. Being open to feedback on how to improve; 
d. swallowing my pride and quickly recognizing others for doing a great job; 
e. Daily expressing my gratitude for having a job and the opportunity to contribute to our customer's happiness.

5. I will make myself better in 2014 by:

a. Reducing my weight to what it was in high school by exercising each day and eating better each day; 
b. Reading a book every two weeks; 
c. Preparing the night before for the next day - clothes out, list of accomplishments for the next day; 
d. Taking more time to be reflective - on my character, on my faith, on my contributions; 
e. Laugh more, dream more, be more!
With these 2014 resolutions in hand, I commit that 2014 will be the best year ever.  For time marches on, and there is so little time left to love, to learn, and to grow.  
Here's to a great 2014!

Until Next Friday,