The Friday Story

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It happens. 

There are days when things do not go as planned or as hoped. 

And what would have been a very good day becomes a very tough day.

  • Your daughter is sick at school. 

  • Your boss wants to see you “right away.” 

  • Your new car is becoming your worst nightmare. 

  • Your mother is ill and needs you, but so does your family at home. 

  • A customer is very disappointed at your service, wants resolution and the correct spelling of your last name. 

These are some of the indications that it’s going to be a very tough day.

And usually, it’s not one thing, but several things on top of each other.

It happens.

But during these really tough “I want this to end” days, we have an opportunity to learn some important lessons:

  • We are not in “total” control of events or people (as much as we would like to be). 

  • We all make mistakes. 

  • We need to trust others. 

  • We need to understand that life is fleeting. 

  • We need to discipline ourselves to prepare better and learn more. 

  • We need to value all relationships. 

  • We need to take time to say “thank you,” “I am sorry,” and “I love you” more often. 

If you are having a particular tough day today, here are three steps that are guaranteed to lighten your burden:

  1. Close your eyes for a moment.

  2. Think of someone, or some organization, that you can reach out to and help – a fellow associate, a family member, a friend, a stranger, a cause. 

  3. Help them (now) in any way that you can.

For your “tough day” will pass and will soon be forgotten. However, your small or large act of kindness will never cease to give more and more for all days yet to come.

…Now, that wasn’t so tough after all.

Until Next Friday,

Photo by Nathan Lemon on Unsplash