The Friday Story

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Turning data into information, information into knowledge, knowledge into wisdom, and wisdom into our ability to make better, more consistent decisions requires a transformational bridge at each juncture. Beyond word clouds, surveys, constructs, financial ratios, correlations, multiple regressions, R-squares, p-values, path coefficients and t-tests, our quest to understand, to comprehend, to recall, to format, requires… a question. The question is:


More battles have been won, more lives have been saved, more progress has been made by seeking, searching, hoping and praying to answer the question. Answering “why” leads us to the “what." The “what” leads to the “how.” The “how” opens the doors of “why” and “what” and invites us in for a stay – for a moment; for a lifetime. 

  • Why is there suffering in the world?

  • What can I do to make a difference? 

  • How can I help today?

You are both the question and the answer. You are the data, information, knowledge, and wisdom to make the improbable, uncontrollable, impossible… a reality. Ask yourself today:

  • Why not me?

  • Why not now?

  • Why not?

From personal struggles to business mergers, from paying the bills to world peace, from getting the kids to sleep on time to ending hatred: it starts with you, and it starts with me, asking: “Why?”

Until Next Friday,

Photo by Ken Treloar on Unsplash