On July 4, 1776, our founding fathers of the Continental Congress signed the "Declaration of Independence" that challenged the greatest power of the world to a fight.  At the core of the fight were certain "words" that were unheard of at the time of monarchies and tyrants.  

Those words "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness" set the stage for an arduous struggle that lasted several years with much loss of life and property.  At the end of the war with England, freedom was born, and the definition and application of those words was just beginning. 

But didn't this all start with just words?  The fledgling Continental Congress didn't have much of an army, little ammunition, no navy to speak of; but they had passion and conviction that this moment they would lay down their lives, honor, and property to achieve the resolution of "those words."  Great men and women stepped forward and applied hidden talents showing the world what may be achieved if the right words, the right convictions, and right passions are pointed towards a common goal.

As each of us reflects on the events of July 4th, and awe at the courage that was demonstrated 238 years ago, may it inspire us to stake out our path to greatness.  There, you will find your potential and happiness that only comes to life born in freedom... and by moving beyond those words.

Until Next Friday,

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