The Friday Story

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"Hey... WATCH OUT! Stay in this lane! You can't merge into that lane!"
"Whew... that was close."
"Didn't you see that car?"
"No, the car was right in my blind spot."
"You need to be more careful. You almost got us into an accident. And, it would have been on my side of the car!"
"Well, it wasn't my fault. The car should have known they were riding in my blind spot. There was no way I was going to see them."
"You have got to be kidding me.   If there was an accident, it would have been your fault."
"You are wrong, Mr. Smart Guy. They were riding in my blind spot."
"That's not your only blind spot."
"What do you mean?"
"You have plenty of other blind spots."
"Like what?"
"Well, like you always interrupt people when they are talking."
"No, I don't. And by the way, why would that be a blind spot anyway?"
"Blind spots are not just in cars. Blind spots are those actions, behaviors, or habits that potentially can hurt someone or hurt ourselves. And for the most part, you don't even realize it! For example, did you know that you have a habit of sneezing and not covering your mouth, cutting people off in traffic, or using sarcasm to make your point."
"Wow, you make me out to be a terrible person."
"No, you are not a terrible person. Actually, you are a great person. However, you have blind spots that unless you have someone, like me, tell you your blind spots you will go about life being less than you could be - without even knowing it."
"Sometimes I could do with a little less of you."
"You are lucky you have me to tell you your blind spots. Many people, employees, and even companies go on their way each day wondering why some project or relationship didn't work out. If people were open with each other, they would know no one is perfect and we all have blind spots.  We would ask each other, "What do you see that I don't see? What do you hear that I don't hear? What do you feel that I don't feel?" And so on."
"I guess you don't have any blind spots, Mr. Smart Guy?"
"I'm sure I do."
"What are they?"
"It's for you to find out. Remember, it's a blind spot. I can't see it, hear it or even feel it."
"Well, let me think about this..."
Blind spots are largely habits that compromise our potential and results. And we don't even realize it!  
Today, take a bold step and ask your spouse, family member, or a fellow employee, "What are my blind spots? What do you see that I don't see? What do you hear that I don't hear? What do you feel that I don't feel?" After the initial setback of hearing the news of those things that are perceived of having negative effects on others, the information will enable you to see, hear, and feel better.

Until Next Friday,