The Friday Story

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"Hey, where's my hat?"  I asked my wife.
"What hat?" my wife responded.
"My hat for tennis.  I have a match today, and I need my hat!"  I exclaimed.
"Look in your tennis bag, or in the closet where you throw everything!” she exclaimed back.
"Hey, I found it where you left it... in my tennis bag,” I responded sarcastically.
"Very funny,” my wife responded, as she left the room, shaking her head.
This scenario is repeated week in and week out as my search for my "tennis hat" continues.  My son, Christopher, observing this on various occasions, came up with a brilliant idea to finally solve the problem. On Father's Day, he presented me with a special gift.
"Dad, this is for you," he said, handing a small bag to me.
"What's this? I asked.
"It's what you have always been looking for, but can never find," Christopher responded.
Opening up the bag, I pulled out a red hat with "The Tennis Hat" written on the brow of the hat.
"Now there is no question which hat to wear when you play tennis!" Christopher pointed out.
"You're absolutely right, Christopher!"
Often times, we need simple solutions that make life easier and less dramatic.  We need solutions that literally stare us in the face to remind us what to do and how to act. Imagine a world in which businesses, families or individuals could wear their "hats" as a call to action in just one word:  Lead, Dream,  Inspire, Love, Heal, Create, Feed, Educate, Improve, Plant, Teach, Deliver, Excel, Hope, Coach, Give, Invent, and so on.  All business leaders, employees, parents, and even children would be focused on fulfilling their one "word" in their respective roles. I am here to _______________ (fill in the blank).
So what would be printed on the brow of your "Hat?"  What is your call to action that provides you the guidance on what to do, how to decide, and why it is most important?
Yes, my hat may be like any other hat, but it's my "The Tennis Hat."  Without it, I would be at a loss.  Just like you will be if you don't focus on what is the singularly most important to your success and happiness.
I am here to ______________ (fill in the blank).
The Tennis Hat.
Until Next Friday,